[Home]History of Displaying Animated GIFs Using ImageMagick

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Revision 3 . . September 28, 2006 2:38 am by Bmillham [Added example]
Revision 2 . . September 28, 2006 2:28 am by Bmillham

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1,95
Here's a code sample to display animated GIF's
Here's a code sample to display animated GIF's using ImageMagick?. It's fairly crude, but it should help you get started.

# (C) 2006 Brian Millham bmillham@hughes.net
# The perl artistic license applies.

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI::DIBitmap;
use Image::Magick;

use strict;
use warnings;

my $anifile = shift;
die "You must supply a gif file" if !defined $anifile;
my $currentframe = 0;
my $image = Image::Magick->new();
# Read the raw animated gif
my $result = $image->Read($anifile);
die $result if $result;
# Fill in the missing delta data from the original gif
my $coalesce = $image->Coalesce();
# Get the number of frames
my $framecount = $#$image;
my $height = $coalesce->[0]->Get('height');
my $width = $coalesce->[0]->Get('width');
# An array to hold the individual images.
# The images are loaded in the timer.
my @frames;

# Get the frame delay.
# This assumes that all frames have the same delay
my $delay = $image->[0]->Get('delay');

# Get the first frame as a bitmap
push @frames, getFrameAsBmp(0);
print "Animation file: $anifile\n";
print "Height: $height\n";
print "Width: $width\n";
print "Framecount: $framecount\n";
print "Delay: $delay\n";

# Create the window, sized for the gif
my $W = new Win32::GUI::Window(
-title => "Animated GIF Test",
-pos => [100, 100],
-height => $height + 50,
-width => $width + 2,
-name => 'Window',

# Create the label to display the GIF
my $lbl = $W->AddLabel(
-top => 10,
-left => 1,
-height => $height,
-width => $width,
-bitmap => $frames[0],
-name => 'Animation',
-visible => 1,

# Add the timer to load and display the gif
# The delay is in 10ths of seconds.
$W->AddTimer('T1', $delay * 10);
# Show the main window.


sub Window_Terminate {

# Gets the frame, converts it to a bitmap and returns the bitmap
sub getFrameAsBmp {
my $frameno = shift;
# Load the frame into memory
my @frame = $coalesce->[$frameno]->ImageToBlob();
# Create a DIBitmap object
my $dib = newFromData Win32::GUI::DIBitmap($frame[0]);
# Convert it to a bitmap
my $bmp = $dib->ConvertToBitmap();
return $bmp;

sub T1_Timer {
# Start over after the last frame
$currentframe = 0 if $currentframe > $framecount;
# If the frame has not been converted to a bitmap, get and convert it.
push @frames, getFrameAsBmp($currentframe) if !defined $frames[$currentframe];
# Display the frame

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